Sunday, September 29, 2013

Finding elysium.

        After a long day I found myself getting carried away on the dance floor. I feel like this point of my life should be called Finding elle. Or discovering elysium or Boston oh idk, but I say that because now I'm finding my interests. I've been looking for a place to go dancing. I don't mean bump and grind I mean partner, slow dance. Well tonight I went out with my coworkers for a birthday celebration. It was salsa,meringue etc music all night. I was nervous at first and then I just jumped right in. It was amazing! I was literally swept off my feet. My legs and thighs were burning. I was being spun around in circles and held and guided. I laughed and smiled all night.
      I had to really allow myself to be led. To trust my partner. I'm so used to just jumping in and taking the lead. I lead even when I'm following. But as the night went on I let go a little more. Especially when I danced bacciatta. It was so sensual. Once I dropped my guard I felt so light. I danced with my coworkers friend and he smelled of freshman year of college. I closed my eyes and fell into his arms something fierce. I caught myself and realized where I was and he's like no holding me is fine and we laughed. I like when I can just have fun and not be so closed off. I shut myself off a lot and it stifles me. I was a free spirit dancing in the wind. Alex danced with me and was coaching me, telling me not to look at my feet once I stopped I swayed and floated. I allowed him to completely have control all I had to do was move my hips and he took care of the rest.
        Dancing puts everything in perspective for me. Really learning how to not be in control and learning to relax and then understanding the feelings that transpired once you allowed yourself to free up. And know how to have a great time without being drunk. Tonight was everything and I need to do it again.
       I haven't been so close to a male in such a sensual way, flirting, laughing etc. in a really long time. the smell of their cologne the confidence to lead and dominate but also be gentle. Idk what's happening but Boston is really doing things for me right now. I find myself being game for a lot of stuff. If the wind blows I'll follow it. I'm having so much fun just letting my hair down. Not worried about nothing but enjoying being life as it comes.
     Well except for being sick. But I'll get over it, I'm having too much fun putting myself out there. And taking risks.

* Elyse

Current song (s):

Hayling: FC kahuna

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