Wednesday, March 14, 2012

fix your own heart

    Okay so I saw this status my family member reposted. It said something like " sometimes a man has to help heal your heart before he gets to have it" some shit like that. and the comments back were like "that's so true" and "sometimes... Always" and "the man has to be the absorber of her pain"... (gag)
Then it just so happened that the Danity Kane song "Damaged" came on. and one of the lines of the song asks "how you gonna fix it?" The guy before you damaged it so can you fix it.
Ladies and gentlemen! listen to me. FIX YOUR OWN DAMN HEART! Don't ask for help figure it out cut the shit. and if anyone proposes that idea on you, WALK THE FUCK AWAY! That is a big burden for anyone. we are not "captain save'm". The second anyone tries to take on a task like that they're destined for failure! It's a lot of pressure to withhold and it is not fair to ask of somebody. If you're not ready to be in a relationship then don't! aint nobody rushing you, telling you, you have to be. so slow down! I fell for it! I thought I could take all of her pieces and put them back together, show her, her capabilities. IT worked until it didn't.
What I'm driving at is that. As the "fixer" we feel that we are "THAT ONE" we're Neo, we can save the matrix because we are not like everybody else. Humans have always had an obsession with being super human... So when we happen upon that person we feel like we have to take on the challenge. when in fact the challenge is NOT helping to heal a person or FIXING the person the challenge is are you gonna be smart enough to say listen I'm not going there, this can be a bad idea and I'm not sure as to why I'd have to fix something that somebody else did. Further more, as the fixer, you don't know the severity of the issue. Sometimes a person is not "firing on all 8's" and now you signed up for something and now you need healing. Leave the saving to Jesus! we are only human. you can lead a cow to water but you can't make them drink. and you will find that people don't actually want help they just want to bitch and they need a punching bag!! now look at the abuse you just signed up for! JOY!

as for the damsel in distress. Stop being lazy, stop bitching cut the shit! it's not easy it never was. It's rude to expect someone to do that. and if you're constantly looking for someone to fix it how will you ever learn? there's nothing more rewarding than knowing you can do something. and dealing with emotions the right way is so controversial and about the hardest thing you can do, in my opinion. when it comes down to YOU and your core, nobody can help you with that. Don't be that lame. you'll find yourself in the same place you started. and then you'll hit 50 and stilling wondering why? asking somebody to take pity on you, which may have worked when you're young, but now you're just damaged goods!

it's not a pretty process. but everybody's gotta do it.
just saying.


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