Friday, March 23, 2012


           Make a wish! I've been thinking a lot about it lately and the person who came up with this is genious. I tip my hat to you. I always find myself really happy when I look at the clock and it reads 11:11 but then I get all nervous because I really wanna make it count. So now a simple wish turns into a conversation with myself as I wish for something and go "no, that's not a wish that's a prayer. but you really want it to happen! yes! but that takes effort and planning, it's a little more serious then to just throw it around frivolously in a wish". So I don't wish for that. and I come up with something else that I could settle on. and then the planning begins, I swear, I like make up a list of wishes so that I'm prepared for the next time 11:11 rolls around I wont be so nervous and forget. Then there are those moments that it does roll around and you know exactly what to wish for, because you've been thinking about it for days, weeks even... *SIDE NOTE* I happened to look up and the clock read 11:11, joy in my heart, I was ready ;)* back to the realness. 
          But lately I start to think about it more in depth. For example how many of those wishes came true because it fell on your lap or because you MADE it happen? Is 11:11 a placebo? makes us think it's working when it only pushes us to go after the things we really want. Or it really is just a waste of time period because you can't wish things to happen, it's just a set up for failure cuz there usually is no action behind it. IDK!  Or maybe it's a little of both. It works sometimes and maybe it is just a placebo. 
          I think it ties into faith. Just having faith in something. If you truly have faith in your heart then what you want will come true. For  kids and adults alike it's fun and light hearted. It's always good to believe in something! I just feel like it's an alternative to God maybe, sometimes. Like how many times do you hear people say "just pray and leave it up to God and he will take care of you." and how many times do you see people roll their eyes or scoff at a person. It doesn't matter what you believe in religion wise because whenever it is brought up it's like oh hear we go. Now, somehow saying "look a shooting star make a wish!" or "11:11 make a wish" it's like okay I'll secretly do it, or I'll do it because my kids are really into into it. For whatever reason we've chosen, we'll still make a wish over pray. Some how it makes it less "heavy"... Now I make a lot of wishes on 11:11, I don't think they actually come true though. But I know that when my head and my heart are in a place, I subconsciously wish for things and it happens. Sometimes I like to think it's because of my powers hahaha but usually in my case I think it's just Gods way of saying "hey,  you deserve it kid". 
            I remember when I was a kid and I'd be in a store with my mom. I'd see so many little toys that I WANTED, so I'd ask my mom for it. she'd say no. I would give her reasons for "needing" it and she'd always say no. I'd beg and plead and then I would say but I NEED it. she'd stop turn around and always say something like do you really need it. or just really really want it. because you already have tons of toys like this... and just the paused look on my face she'd reply, that's what I thought. Instant defeat I was pissed. Now it's not to say my mom never got me things. but whenever I did what I had to do or worked for it, earned it, or whenever she felt like hey sure lets get you something, she would. But she always made sure that we understood that they are rewards. I look at 11:11 like that now. I make all the wishes I want, maybe the fates will say "sure why not, it's on the house, gotta keep the magic going" but at the end of the day you work for what you want and earn it. but when it's something you really need, YOU GOT IT


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