Monday, December 2, 2013

Let's do this thing!

     I sat on pins and needles all day. The closer it came to show time, the more I wanted to back out. I was exhausted my voice seemed to have too much rasp if that's really a problem... Well it can be for a rookie like me. My chords were equally exhausted. Then I start to think: you should not have had that Mac and cheese and meatloaf... You know better! As the buzz started forming around work I was ready to call it quits. On top of which, I had no idea as to what time I was actually going on. Will they like it? Will I hit the high notes? What if! What if! WHAT IF! I just wanted a hug and someone to be proud of me. Knowing that wasn't an option I needed to push through. Waiting for that faithful moment, gulping water like it is nobody's business, "Amber light" shows up. Easing those nerves I was still anxious
      "We're gonna welcome Elyse to the stage!" It's show time! This is my home. I have to be good... The notes flew out and I surprised myself. Where did this come from?!? Not going to question it I'm gonna go with it. All those nerves carried me!! It was like the time I sang for a fashion show a friend was putting on and my voice just took off. Nobody had a clue my voice would do what it did! And that is; hit every high note ever! Anyway, I did that! I got on stage and felt alive. I really didn't want to end it! It was everything. I really need to do it again maybe with more people in the building! The takingoverization is happening! Everyone loved it and well so did "Amber light" in fact I gave her goosebumps.
    I'm not going to lie, having her there and sharing this with her felt really nice. Coming off the stage and going right to her made it feel really complete. I do really like her. But I can't be sure if I like her because it's been awhile or if she's it. I hold out for a girl that's so out of reach. I really shouldn't hold my breath, there's no way she's coming back to this city. If we're going to happen, may it happen organically with us , and by us I really mean me.
    Ugh I'm getting away from the point. The point is I killed it! And I got what I wanted and that was to have "amber lights" there. There really is a certain feeling of security that I get when I'm performing for a crowd and I can have that ONE person that is actually there for me and thinks I'm the world because they've seen all sides of me. I had that last night, I felt it. And dare I say it but I may have seen it! She looked at me in a way, I've never seen. Okay I've totally seen it from Ly, subtly. I can deny it all I want but I know when she looks at me she's like wow. But We're gonna see where this goes. I want everything to be organic, I wont ruin shit with my what ifs! Anyway! I want to be back on that stage. Everything else will happen when it does. But somebody please get me back on the stage! I want nothing else. Okay that is a lie. I want everything. But I need this here stage! It won't be the last time! I'm soo sure of it! Takingoverization commence!


Current song (s):
Do my thang: Miley Cyrus

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