Tuesday, December 17, 2013

If I may

        There's a certain cathartism that transcends when You can finally look at a face and not recognize it. Loosing relevance. There's no part that gets angry. Almost curious.  May I? ... Obsessed. As if you were watching a reality show and watching the train wreck. The damsel in distress. The victim. The invincible that comes to save the day... And she will be loved, she will be loved. And there will be a new found glory. Because you never knew love like this before.  You're hollow. Vacant. Frost bit.  Under a guise of misunderstood. The underdog. One of her wonders hidden in plain site. You're not a jumping mouse, you're a rat. How does this chapter end. I'm kind of interested in knowing. But I have a feeling I know how it will end. Hey Disney throws curve balls, so why not. I spy with my watchful eye. An emotional salve. It's nice. Right.It feels good. It's safe. not as confident as you preach?Hey babe take a walk on the wild side. It will get old. Manipulation and turmoil run through your veins. You don't want a change. It's too fun. can't change the channel just yet. It's all kinda fun. Learning  from watching others. It's almost like "life: what not to do... For dummies"

"What a tangled web we weave, when at first we practice to deceive."


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