Sunday, February 27, 2011

Basketball wives

        Alright so I have to admit I am secretly (now not being a secret) addicted to Basketball wives. I started out watching the show thinking like wow. I am SOOO ashamed of being a female. I couldn't believe the stuff I was watching, I was like "nope, this cannot be real". I mean talk about hood rat stuff. These women are just disgusting with all the bullshit and the nonsense, the bickering and calling each other fake and the whole "who's who" of wives. I sat there like this cannot be real. There was an episode that really put a bad taste in my mouth and it was, I guess the idk what i'd call them, I guess mean girls or the cougars idk. And they were beating up on this girl cuz she called her wedding off. so they were trying to get at her, gang up on her and make her feel like crap. But the kicker is that they ALLL married basketball players and then were divorced. So why were they forming the lynch mob. I mean these girls really go at it. FOR NO REASON. It really seems like a life of superficialness. FUCKERY if you will. They all try to insinuate to themselves that they are not gold diggers but really though they are, and they have NO class whatsoever! I watch this show really like wow is this really what men are about? Put something shiny on their fingers and they're sold? Give them a house, a car, a tea-cup and a new weave and we're sold. I'm thoroughly pissed like wow. These women are really giving us a terrible name. 
      And I say all of that to say this. WHERE THE HELL WAS I SEASON ONE?????? The train wreckage is far to great to turn away. I watch season two religiously, it's sad! AND what's even more sad is how these producers know that all that have to do is make people right and they've captured a huge audience. I'm so angry that I fall for it. Maybe it's to point fingers cuz i know that would NEVER be me. I can't be fooled by handsome. you can't fool me with a ring. I aint, yeaup thats right, I AINT GON BE no trophy... F that... if anything YOU GON BE AT MY SHOWS, ON MY ARM playing that roll. Ugh this world... I can't even deal. But I'm soo hooked on that catastrophe that now I need to go back and sit through all of season one. Cuz them bitchez be fighting!!! One more episode left in season two but I think it's safe to say tami is crazy! hahaha... good times


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