Hmm... a long time ago I used the "Busy" excuse hoping to get out of something, When they told me... BULLSHIT, I know you, and I know that when you really want to do something you'd do it! and I sat in silence cuz I knew I just got clocked! That convo always rings in my head when someone says they're busy. I say to them (in my head) bullshit, no one is actually that busy because when it comes down to it you're not. If someone says "Hey wanna hang out?" why cant we just say no thanks or I'm not up to it today. But then again why do we assume that hanging out is always some big To Do. maybe its simply sitting in silence watching a movie. Maybe they just want to talk to you AND THEN THAT would be the time for you to vent about your trials and tribulations and have that person actually care! If I want to simply be around you I don't want to hear I'm just sooo busy etc. Believe you me, everything you said is but a mere whisper in the wind, Cuz i didn't ask for that. Because My groove theory is you have enough time to facebook, you have enough time to keep everyone involved in your life as you twitter your every moment and thought. Has it ever occurred to anyone that simple honest answers like: no, no thank you, maybe next time would be preferred over the traditional let me talk about myself and how busy I am? Like I said before, NOBODY REALLY WANTS TO HEAR IT! I didn't call you and say hey sooo exactly HOW busy are you? Sometimes I think we use that excuse just to arrogantly brag. you know the bragging when it sounds like the person is complaining but they know they really like having a lot of stuff to do and put it in others faces to make them feel like maybe they should be doing more. I understand having prior engagements but to be so braggadocios when a simple no would suffice is annoying. I think we need to cut down on that arrogant word, cuz you aint doing shit but sitting on your couch watching your shows. and should you wanna be alone just say no thanks i'd rather be to myself, and leave it at that.
Like they told me... if you REALLY wanted to do something YOU WOULD! so no smoke screen, be honest YOU JUST DON'T WANT TO.